Behind the Curtain

The night let fall her starry curtain.
Down on the restless world.
Suddenly everything looks so clear.
As if life has frozen up.

As if you’ve never been.
Here to tears my heart out.
You let me fall by myself.
Salt is pouring out from my tears.

Perfect snowflakes fill my eyes
Cold wind takes my soul.
Laying on the ground like an angel.
My last breath was for you.

Don’t try to find answers.
Don’t try to give me apologies.
You are not the One! you know.
But I want to see you dead.

The night takes away her curtain.
Like a tired old lady.
The world seems to burn again.
Grime oozes from the skies

Don’t try to find answers.
Don’t try to give me apologies.
You are not the One! you know.
But I want to see you dead.

There’s no way to change things
Watch behind you and see the path
You don’t care about the blizzard
The highest crest is under your feet
Spread your wings and let you fall!
Trust the voice inside you heart

Don’t try to find answers.
Don’t try to give me apologies.
You are not the One! you know.
But I want to see you dead.